Friday, August 29, 2008

Life, Death, and What's Real

Life seems so trival in our society, and this truth is not any different than it was in the past. History has proven that human beings disregard the life of human beings. Because we fear death so much, we try to control it, we try to make it our choice. But we have no choice, death on this earth is inevitable. This reality has driven me to find a way to accept death as something more than just death, more than just the end of life on earth. Instead, I have come to believe, through the Good News of Jesus Christ, death is the the birth of a new life. In my search for the desire of my heart, I found Jesus to be the Resurrection, the way to life, the truth who lives.

Born as a Catholic, and still a devoted practicing Catholic who loves the tradition, the sacraments, Mary and the Pope, I believe Jesus is Real Life. Even though my faith has been an intricate part of my life since I was born, I have often struggled with the Mystery of the Trinity. Always seeking answers to who God is by reading His Word, looking for proof in verses such as Genesis 1:24, where God says, "Let us make man in our image..." The italics emphasize the proof I found from God's own Word. Many years ago, this verse was proof to me, and still is, Jesus and the Spirit have always been with the Father from the beginning of creation. 

But, with my relentless searching for proof that Jesus is true, proof of who He is, and what He did, I often failed to trust Him with all my heart, mind and soul. Finally, last summer, I let go completely and gave everything to Jesus. And I discovered something truly amazing, freedom.  I discovered freedom from my sins in a way I've never experienced before, freedom from my fears, freedom from guilt and shame.  Jesus came into my heart and showed me exactly how real He is.  He is life, He is Love, and for just over a year now, I have come to love life in a new way. I love life because Jesus has shown me love for myself, and love for others.

I believe in the power of God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  I believe in His power to destroy my demons, my sins, my blackness that have often pushed me to hate life and to desire an end to all the pain and suffering. I choose to follow Him daily, I choose Real Life. He gives me hope for life everlasting, and because I seek Him in prayer, Mass, the Eucharist, His Word, nature, and always with my husband and sons and others in my life, I have come to love life intensely. 

So often throughout my life, living would seem intolerable, and death a welcome end. But I know I must trust God and accept His Perfect Plan. He, alone, decides when to bring me home, and for now, I must learn to love my life, in spite of all the pain and suffering He asks me to endure. This journey is building me, transforming me into a perfect soul. I look forward to the day when I can live forever in unity with the Father, Son, Spirit and with the Saints of His Church. I look forward to the day when life is real, true, and perfect. Thank God for Life!

Real Life

I stand for life
but must live to embrace the truth of human death.
I search for love
but must live to love those who hate until my last breath.
I look for justice
but must live in faith that He holds righteousness in His hand.
I long for God
but must live out His plan in this painfully selfish land.

With Love,
Kristin A. Ball
February 8, 2001

Monday, August 11, 2008

There's Nothing Like Being a Mom

As I reflect on how quickly my twin sons have grown into amazing young men, I am filled with a mixture of joy and sorrow. I'm joyful because they have become the independent young men I always prayed they would become one day. I'm sorrowful, because the memories I recall of every step and stage of their lives, fills me with sweet love and, also, bitter sadness. They'll never be little again, sitting together on my lap as we rock in the rocking chair, reading a book, talking, or holding their precious little hands in mine. I remember their tiny voices, their endless questions, their curious minds, their contagious laughter. I remember, but I can't go back.

Time moves on and we can only move forward with time. My sons are marching forward into their senior year, so excited about the life they are about to embrace. Their life, not mine. I've always told them that God has special plans for them, all they need to do is trust and believe, and I must do the same. Believe and trust God will lead, guide and protect them as they live this gift of life. Of course, God is not always the most important Person in their lives as they meet wonderful young women, hang with their best buds, and experience the beauty of the world around them. But I don't give up on the faith I have taught them since the day they were born. I have written on their minds God's truth, and I pray He has written on their hearts. I wrote this poem, Sons of Wisdom, for their graduation day. I will give them these words as a perpetual prayer for their life, their future.

Today, I share it with you. May every Mom who reads these words be blessed with children who love you and blessed with joy as you continue to live the most important job on our planet. There's nothing like being a Mom.

Sons of Wisdom
Written by Kristin Ball

Dear Sons
What can I say?
To help you know
The Truth and the Way
I quietly pray
You’ll know the One
There’s no greater joy
Than faithful sons.

When you only love
What you see and touch
Not loving the One you can’t see.
Finding wisdom
In this wealthy world
Is never a reality
Ask for Wisdom
From the God of Love
And you will grow to be
The men you’re meant to be.

Only God reveals the truth
There’s little I can do
It’s the Power of the Spirit
He’ll carry you through
So when life becomes grim
Please, my sons
Don’t give up on Him.

Sons of Wisdom
You’re called to be
Greater than you think
Follow His Word
Live His Way
Stay forever linked.
Make your mistakes
Learning all you can
And you will grow to be
The men you’re meant to be.

Monday, August 4, 2008

We Are All Teachers

We teach one another and we learn from one another. Even though teaching is the career I chose which helps support my family, I know to teach is something we all do. Parents teach their children how to walk, talk, and especially, how to love. Parents teach their children about life and how to manage in this world of difficulties and challenges. Siblings teach one another how to play games, make a craft, or get along in school. Friends teach each other how to have fun, let go of worry, and depend on one another. Children teach adults and adults teach children. We spend everyday of our life on earth teaching and learning. I often tell my students that as soon as they stop learning, they stop living. I believe this to be true because growth in heart, mind, body, and soul are essential to life. When we stop growing, we shrivel up and die.

As a teacher, I have summers off. But my summers are not lazy days. Not only do I recreate mind, body, and spirit for another school year of intense curriculum, and meeting the needs of every one of my students, I also take classes to learn, to become better, to grow. I took two amazing classes this summer, stuffed with tons of information I couldn't even begin to fit into my tiny brain, but I learned a wealth of knowledge. I learned how to strive to be a better teacher, a better mom, wife, sister, daughter, and friend. I wrote this poem after taking my first class in June. It's a poem for teachers, but one I think will benefit us all, because the truth is, we are all teachers.

Free From Mediocrity
By Kristin Ball

Good, Better, Best
Circle the one you choose
What kind of teacher are you?

If you choose Good that’s okay
There’s nothing wrong
With teaching the right way.
Being a Good teacher
You’re doing everything you’re asked
The students learn
and you complete the tasks.

Maybe though, you can hope to be
More than Good, it’s better you see
Wanting more for your students
Is possible when
You know you’re better
Than just being good, and then
You learn and grow everyday,
Becoming a Better teacher in every way.

Growing better leads to the Best
Making you a Great teacher
You rise above the rest.

To be the Best
You reach far and wide,
To not only teach so students learn
But to inspire, guide
and spark fires that burn.
Becoming red hot flames
They are beacons of Light,
You’re impacting your students
To stand up for what’s right.
For love and justice
Everyone finds
You are a Teacher
Freeing young minds.