Wednesday, April 8, 2009

You Shall Not Covet

Our country is in financial peril because of our greed, because we covet gold(money), land, houses, and cars, which has been propagated by the ideal that this New World is a world of wealth, a world to be exploited for our own self fulfillment. Changing deadly attitudes about money and spending is the only way to influence our government to do the same. Being content with the resources we have and spending them wisely is the only hope for our future.

We are a country of the people, run by the people, and many of the people have decided to spend more than is earned, borrow money at high interest rates, and not save a dime for a rainy day. I know, I've lived this financial burden of covetousness my entire life, and I want to eliminate this deadly sin out of my life for the sake of my sons and their future.

In this land of selfishness, we have eliminated our future by killing them and calling it choice, we have spent our social security money so there is none left for our children or ourselves, and we have borrowed money from other countries who now own more than fifty percent of America. On wall street, the share holder who owns more than fifty percent of a company's stocks has control of that company. Who controls our country? Are we the people still in control?

I'm not willing to give up my responsibility and privilege to help run my government, so I'm going to make changes by starting with myself and my family. No more deficits! When I can balance my family budget, build a savings, buy products close to home, and provide leadership for my sons, I can make a difference in my government.

This is the Christian message I have been hearing at my church and on radio for years, but I stubbornly chose to be greedy, wanting and buying without any concern for my personal debt or savings. I have lived sinfully, and my government and culture encouraged it because they do the same. It's time to change, and I'm starting with myself. I have watched other fellow Americans change their lifestyle of excessive living, and I have witnessed the joy they found in the simplicity of living debt free.

Our culture, our government lives in debt and continues to spend more. Our federal government is trillions of dollars in debt and President Obama wants to spend more money, on such things as funding abortions in other countries. We need to stop spending, especially on deadly policies, and start paying off loans with the income we have, then we can start saving. This is what all American families need to do and can do, and if we all make the commitment to stop the madness of greed, we will find true freedom.

I believe it is something we must all do for the benefit of the people of the United States. We must sacrifice our own wants for the benefit of everyone in our country, not just the rich. Get involved with the TEA Party on April 15th. Read truthfully reported news, like articles found on, to stay updated with our political and cultural world so you can be well informed to make positive changes in the government and our society.

Let's start changing the government by changing ourselves. No more greed, no more debt, no more selfish distribution of resources. Let's start thinking about each other, our future as a country of freedoms and justice, our future as a people under God.

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